Gordeeva & Grinkov -
memories of perfection ...
two hearts, two minds in time, did find one love, one aim two paths, the same rejoice! hold fast! ...and love will last. |
Love possesses seven hundred wings, and each one extends from the highest heaven to the lowest earth.
-- Rumi (Persian), 1207-1273
If we had known there would be no tomorrow, would we have paid closer attention to today?
We will never forget those days of gold ...
When life, it seemed, could get no better...
And heaven could be found on earth ...
And if the day ever comes that the world should remember you for only one accomplishment...
Let it be for the fact that you loved as no one else has before ...
or ever will again.
May God Bless you all and keep you safe.
By pressing the buttons below, you will find pictures of some of my favorite G&G Routines. My sincere thanks to the photographers who captured the beauty, power and magic of Gordeeva & Grinkov. Because of you, their memory will never fade.